Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the US
Thomas Jefferson was a founding father and the third president of the USA. He was also an accomplished scientist in addition to being the president.
No- not unless the Constitution is amended to allow a third term. At the present, a US president can be elected at most two times. (Of course, Franklin Roosevelt served three terms back when it was legal to do so.)
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was the third US President from March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1809. His party was called the Republicans but was not related to the present-day Republican party. It favored states' rights and individual rights as opposed to a stronger federal government.
I think it may be the President pro tempore, as he is third in line if the President and the Vice President are killed or incapacitated.
Thomas Jefferson was the third president; Aaron Burr the third vice president .
Thomas Jefferson , who served from 1801 to 1809, was the third US president.
Aaron Burr.
He was the third to be assassinated and the 25th US president.
Thomas Jefferson was US President from 1801 to 1809. He was the third president of the US.
Yes. he was the 23rd US president.
The third president, Thomas Jefferson, had Aaron Burr as vice president for his first term and George Clinton for his second term.
The Speaker of the House.
Aaron Burr
Thomas Jefferson