Actually it was more like 4 months. The Constitutional Convention convened on May 25, 1787 and adjourned on September 17, 1787 with the Constitution in final draft form.
The Althing (Iceland's parliament).
To discuss Shays’s Rebellion in Massachusetts
The constitutional convention was convened and the following states voted for radification: Deleware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
In 1789, the first U.S. Congress convened in New York City until September 29; 28 senators and 65 representatives sat for the 13 states. In 1793, George Washington was inaugurated in Philadelphia for a second term as president of the United States
First Continental Congress
First Continental Congress
The meeting on September 6, 1774, where the Suffolk Resolves were proposed to strike the British economy was the FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS.
The first continental congress
the people I saw were convened over there (gathered)
Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545.
Edward I
King Edward I