I am the emperor.
Here is how you can use populace in a sentence, 'The presidential candidate did not appeal to the populace interests.' Populace means people living in a particular area.
the mainstream of American culture.
The Museum of the Confedreracy is in Virgina.
Example sentence - The executive branch of the government has again disappointed the masses.
The flintlock was a primitive gun.
a sentence for the word primitive
The ancient tribe used primitive tools to hunt for food in the forest.
Living in a cave is primitive.
Example sentence - The landscape appeared primitive, yet inviting.
Amoeba are primitive cells.
I've crafted a primitive hammer.
the shirt was primitive for it was plain
To describe a noun, usually appearing directly in front of the word. "The most primitive forms of live were found in the oceans."
Simple or crude
Your understanding of the English language is primitive.The behaviour of that monkey is primitive compared to my friend Bob.He used a primitive method to draw water from the well.Her way of thinking is really primitive.The ancient peoples tools were very primitive.the shirt was very primitive.
Fight or flight is a description of our primitive reaction to situations of high stress or danger.