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No. Justice Thurgood Marshall was the first African-American appointed to the US Supreme Court. President Johnson nominated the former NAACP Legal Defense Fund chief counsel to the Court in 1967, where he served until his retirement in 1991. Justice Marshall died in 1993.

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15y ago

Sandra Day O'Connor joined the US Supreme Court in its 1981 Term. The first case on the calendar was Ralston v. Robinson, 454 US 201 (1981), argued Monday, October 5, 1981, and decided 6-3 for Ralston, O'Connor voting with the minority.

Justice O'Connor's first written opinion was for the second case on the calendar that day.

Watt v. Energy Action Educational Foundation, 454 US 151 (1981)

The Court held California had standing to challenge the US Secretary of the Interior's bidding system for leasing tracts of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953.

The decision was 9-0 in favor of Watt.

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13y ago

Yes, Sandra day O'Connor was the first female to work for the supreme court

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Sandra Day O'ConnorRonald Reagan appointed the first woman to serve as a justice of the US Supreme Court, Sandra Day O'Connor. She was sworn in on September 25, 1981, and retired in 2006.

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President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to the US Supreme Court in 1981. O'Connor, the first female justice on the Court, retired in January 2006 in order to spend more time with her husband, Jay, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. Justice Samuel Alito succeeded Justice O'Connor.

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The first woman to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court was Sandra Day O'Connor. She was officially sworn in and took her seat on September 25, 1981.

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What is Sandra Day O'Connor famous for?

Sandra Day O'Connor (born March 26, 1930) is a retired Supreme Court Justice. She was the first woman appointed to be a Justice of the US Supreme Court; President Reagan appointed her in 1981. She served till 2006.

What would be included in a biographical sketch of Sandra Day O'Connor?

She was the first female appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Who was the first woman appointed supreme court justice?

Sandra day o' Connor