For the Americans yes, it was the first war that they won in the American revolution. If they did not win this battle the war would have probably been won by the British. After winning this battle, they got many supplies from the Hessians. About 2 or 3 weeks after this they won another battle,, the battle of Princeton.
The Battle of Trenton, New Jersey was a turning point in the American Revolution. The Colonists had just lost New York and Washington desired to take out the Hessian forces in Trenton. The Colonists were successful.
Yes. George Washington led his troops across the Deleware River and surprised and defeated the German mercenaries there.
The battle of Trenton took place on December 25, 1776 in Trenton, New Jersey on the Delaware River.
The battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war. The British lost. Since the British lost, this gave the American soldiers and colonists hope for the future .The Americans could still win the war. The Americans won, by the way.
the battle of Trenton ended i n 1776
Americans were encouraged to continue the war
George Washington led the Continental army during the battle of Saratoga and the battle of Trenton. George Washingtonled the Continental army during the battle of Saratoga and the battle of Trenton.
the battle of Trenton
Battles of Trenton and Princeton.
Trenton NJ
Washington's defeat of the Hessian soldiers at the Battle of Trenton.
The Battle of Trenton is considered to be a turning point in the American Revolutionary War. The battle happened on December 26, 1776 and the result was an American victory that greatly boosted morale.
The Battle of Trenton in which George Washington and his troops surprised the British along the Delaware River.
The July Battle was the turning point of Gettysburg war?
No. The Battle of Midway was considered a turning point in the battle against the Japanese.
The turning point was not a battle but a siege, the Siege of Vicksburg.
Washington won and this comes to the point in war