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Q: Was there enough food for the crops during the homestead act?
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Related questions

What where some of the hardships the colonist faced in America?

having crops framine not enough food

What is a place where crops are grown?

A farm is a place where crops are grown. Farms typically consist of land where farmers cultivate and harvest crops such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and other food products.

Does Ecuador produce enough food for their population?

No because all the floods they have wash away all of their crops.

What kind of food do osage Indians eat?

They ate cultivated crops and food they could find. If this isn't enough help,keep looking. =)

Who were share croppers?

Former slaves that had no land or food to provide for themselves or their family. They started working for the whits and planted crops. They only had enough food to feed themselves and there families. The whites go majority of the crops

What is the difference between cash crops and subsistence farming crops?

Subsistance farming- they would shipbuild trade and grow enough food Cash crops-be sold as a profit and developed a variety of crafts and industries

How did the Greeks produce enough food for the population?

They did it by moving closer north and oasis gave the water to produce crops

What are crops in syria?

they croped bread corn and more food but they needed to grow more cause it wasnt enough.

Why were slaves in Virginia better off than those in the caribbeans?

There was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops Slaves in Virginia were better off than slaves in the Caribbean because there was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops. Therefore, the slaves had more to eat.

Why were slaves in Virginia better off than those in the Caribbean?

There was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops Slaves in Virginia were better off than slaves in the Caribbean because there was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops. Therefore, the slaves had more to eat.

Why were slaves in Virginia better off than those in Caribbean?

There was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops Slaves in Virginia were better off than slaves in the Caribbean because there was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops. Therefore, the slaves had more to eat.

What was valuable in Europe during Medieval times?

Land & Food (However owning land led to food because of crops)