The initials 'ad' are an abbreviation of the Latin term, anno domini - "The year of the Lord. It is also becoming more common to use the modern initials 'ce', which simply mean "common era".
938 years ago was the year 1070 AD
BC ends when AD begins: 1 BC comes before 1 AD. There is no year "0". "BC" stands for "Before Christ", and "AD" stands for "Anno Domini", which in Latin means "in the year of the Lord". Scholars prefer to use "BCE" and "CE", which stand for "Before the Common Era" and "Common Era", respectively, to mean the same thing as "BC" and "AD", but do not imply Christian connotation.
"AD" is short for "Anno Domini", meaning 'in the year of our Lord'. So AD 49 means the year 49.
The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.
1854 AD
It's German for purely ad
To/for/from/by mother
After death
To the fishpond.
to or towards
To his sister
ad is multiplex address data line bus
VOCARE AD REGNUM MEANS "to call to the kingdom of"
If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.If you mean an official religion, Christianity was made a legitimate religion in 313 AD after the Edict of Milan. If you mean the official religion of the Roman empire, it was in 380 AD under Theodosius I.
AD is after the birth of christ, so we're in 2008 AD. The term AD stands for Anno Domini, Latin for 'in the year of our lord'.