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Q: What Is A Form Of Language That Is Characteristic Of A Particular Place Or Is Used By A Particular Group Of People.?
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This is a form of language that is characteristic of a particular place or by a particular group of people?

This is known as a dialect, which refers to a specific form of language that is unique to a region or group of people. Dialects can vary in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar from standard forms of the language.

What is A form of language that is characteristic of a particular place or is used by a particular group of people?


What is a variation of a language spoken by a particular group of people?

Dialect is the variation of language from a particular group

What is a form of language spoken by a particular group of people?

A dialect is a form of language spoken by a particular group of people. It can include variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, or grammar that set it apart from other forms of the same language.

What is a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group?

A dialect is a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group that has distinctive vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation compared to other dialects or standard language.

Way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people?

Dialect is a way of speaking that is characteristic of a specific region or group of people. It includes variations in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar that distinguish it from Standard English.

What is parlance?

Parlance refers to the particular way of speaking or using language that is characteristic of a certain group or profession. It includes the specialized vocabulary, phrases, and expressions that are unique to that group or profession.

What is the particular language of a particular group called?

The particular language of a particular group is called a dialect. Dialects can vary based on factors such as region, social class, or cultural background within a larger language group.

What does idiomatic mean?

Peculiar to or characteristic of a given language.Characterized by proficient use of idiomatic expressions: a foreigner who speaks idiomatic English.Resembling or having the nature of an idiom.Using many idioms.Peculiar to or characteristic of the style or manner of a particular group or people.5. a common expression whose meaning cannot be guessed from individual words eg 'I'm feeling under the weather

A way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people?

It's called an Ethnic Group

What is a vanacular?

"Vernacular" refers to the language or dialect spoken by a specific group of people in a particular region. It is the everyday language used by ordinary people in informal contexts.

What is asect of culture?

An aspect of culture is a specific component or characteristic that defines a particular group of people. This can include language, customs, traditions, beliefs, values, art, music, food, and fashion. Aspects of culture help people identify with their community and shape their way of life.