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john paul Jones

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John Paul Jones

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Q: What Patriot sailor gained fame when he captured the British warship Serapis in 1779?
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What British warship surrendered to John Paul?

The Serapis surrendered to John Paul jones

Did John Paul Jones won the sea battle against the British warship Serapis?


How did John Paul Jones become hero to American Patriots?

He defeated the British warship Serapis

Why was John Paul Johns a hero to Americans?

Because he capture the powerful British warship Serapis

What Americans naval officer won the sea battle against the British warship serapis?

John Paul Jones sailed through United States ship Bonhomme Richard under his command. He won against British ship Serapis. HeÊis sometimes referred to as the Father of the United States Navy

What American warship was captured by the British was captain's last words were don't give up ship?

The Chesapeake

What was the American warship captured by British captain's last words were don't give up the ship?

The Chesapeake

Who was the American sea captain who defeated the britiish warship serapis off the coast of France in 1779?


American warship captured by British whose captain's last words were Don't give up the ship!?


When was the sea battle where the HMS Serapis battled the USS Bonhomme Richard?

On September 23, 1779, the HMS Serapis battled the USS Bonhomme Richard. The battle took place off the English coast city of Flambrough Head. Captain John Paul Jones survived the British ship and was victorious despite being shelled by friendly fire from a French warship.

Was George Washington at Mount Vernon when the British warship arrived?

No, George Washington was not at Mount Vernon when the British warship arrived

Why was Captain John Paul Jones important to the American Revolution?

John Paul Jones was born in Scotland as John Paul and outlawed for piracy. He offered his services to the enemy in the American War of Independence and was given several ships to fight the British. Eventually, on the Bonhomme Richard with a small fleet he attacked his native Scotland. During a naval engagement with the British warship Serapis he said "I've not yet begun to fight" when in danger of sinking yet still managed to win. The traitor later joined the Russian Navy of Catherine the Great. because he was a great patriot and naval captain