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Q: What President drew up the New Deal to get the US out of the great depression?
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What eventually drew US out of Great Depression?

The increase in spending on world war two brought the economy back, however many people believe it was FDR's new deal.

What was economic plan from the great depression?

It was called the "New Deal" and was based on creation of new jobs and industries to revitalize the economy. Not a 100% success and it drew some criticism at the time, but the economy did recover gradually.

In 1939 the celebrated America working its way out of the Depression and drew people from all over the world.?

In 1939, Americans celebrate working its way out the depression and drew people form all over the world with the worlds fair.

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Clinical depression

In 1939 the celebrated America working its way out of the Depression and drew people from all over the world?

In 1939, Americans celebrate working its way out the depression and drew people form all over the world with the worlds fair.

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he drew them! rawr

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Charles Drew helped expand knowledge of the blood bank.

What started the Great Depression in the us?

The great depression started shortly after the world war1 it means it has some relation with the ww1 if we see us in 1920 it´s economy was rising us was the biggest exporter of technology, as the European market and trade was shattered in us stock market wall street there was a craze of investors but the situation began to change in 1928 when European countries started recovering the investors were afraid that they might lost their money and the value of shares fell the buisnessmen drew out there money from the beanks and banks were bankrupt so it gave rise to the depression

Who drew the painting the great wall scroll?

Jian Feng