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Illinois and Maryland are two states with state presidential conventions. Also, New York, Missouri, and the state of California have state presidential conventions.

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Q: What States with state presidential conventions?
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How many were ratified by conventions held in the states?

What was not a measure advocated by the progressives?

national conventions for nominating presidential candidates.

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Nine States were required. They were ratified by state conventions and not the state legislatures.

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its acceptance by at least nine states in special conventions.

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The Party Conventions

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Only the 21st Amendment (repealing the 18th) was ratified by conventions in the states.

A political party's presidential candidate is selected by .?

By caucus of members of a political party, by state party conventions, or by primary elections, or by all of the above in some states.

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They choose the best looking canidate, and take them out to lunch to see how they act.

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national conventions for nominating presidential candidates