unanimous consent agreements
What are the principal vehicles through which the House and Senate do most of their legistlative work?
most members
The capital building in Washington DC.
unanimous consent agreements
unanimous consent agreements
What are the principal vehicles through which the House and Senate do most of their legistlative work?
based in the home country, especially referring to a company that is registered in the country in which it conducts most of its business, or to funds or activities that are held or located in the home country
The Vice President of the United States is president of the Senate, but only votes when there is a tie within the Senate. In his absence, leadership falls to the President pro tempore, who is normally the most senior senator of the majority political party. This individual will not always be the same as the Senate Majority Leader, which is a party position. The President pro tempore is third in line to succeed to the Presidency should a vacancy exist.Under usual circumstances, neither the Vice president nor the President pro tempore actually conducts the Senate business, deferring to junior members who thereby gain experience in Senate activities and in parliamentary procedure.
An Apple computer.
Most metals.
The most influential person in the senate is the Senate majority leader. This is the person that controls the most influence in the ruling party and in committees.
The Carthaginian Senate.