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i need to know what happened at battle od lexington and tonight for class omorrow

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Q: What actually happened at the Battle of Lexington and Concord to freeze this site in history?
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Who led the battle of Lexington and concord?

No one led the battle of Lexington. It was an event that just happened and history does not report who fired the first shot. The British were enroute to Concord when they found the 77 colonist on the Lexington green. Someone fired the first shot and soon a battle began. When it was all done the British reorganized and continued their march to Concord.

What was Lexington and concord?

lexington and concord was when paul rever set out to get more soldiers in the militia for the Americans. The british thought that the American colonists were storing ammunition and war supplies in concord so they went to lexington to try to stop the Americans and they killed a few colonists but no one knows who fired the first shot. Then, the british won and went to concord but American colonists militia was waiting there because they heard rever's and William dawes alarms. the American won

What was paul revere's role in the fighting at lexington and concord?

WRONG ANSWER BELOW Revere never made it to Concord and NEVER would have yelled "the British are coming " EVERYONE was British. In 1860 Longfellow wrote a poem called The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. The poem was to remind Americans of a shared history. This poem somehow has been allowed to be considered historical fact and put in schools history books. It is NOT history but a use of one event as a foundation for a poem. Revere for his part arrived to Concord late in the day after he was stopped by a British patrol and his horse taken from him. Dr. Prescott is the only one who got to Concord before the British.

Which battle began with the shot heard round the world?

The "shot heard round the world" is a phrase from Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Concord Hymn" written in 1837:By the rude bridge that arched the flood,Their flag to April's breeze unfurled;Here once the embattled farmers stood,And fired the shot heard 'round the world.The poem refers to the beginning of the American Revolutionary War and the "shot heard round the world," was at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, considered to be the first open conflict of the war. The shots fired there were the beginning of a war that would so drastically change the future of the world (with the eventual creation of the United States), that the world could almost hear it.

Who warned the colonist in Lexington that the British were going to attack?

On the night of April 17, 1775 the Son's of Liberty were meeting in Concord and they knew that the British were gathering troops in Boston to soon march to find any weapons or powder that the colonials may have hidden. They hired Paul Revere, for 30 shillings, to ride if the troops came ashore at Charelstown. They did and Revere began his ride, but didn't finish it because he was arrested by the British patrol between Boston and Concord. Two men, Prescott and Dawes came along, saw Revere in trouble, and rode to Concord to warn the men meeting there. Later, that morning, the battle at Lexington happened and then the one at the Bridge of Concord. The only reason we think of Revere and this event is because a 100 years AFTER it happened Longfellow wrote a poem called The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. In the poem he states that Revere called out "the British are coming." That alone is not something that would have happened because the people in the colonies thought of themselves as British.

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Is concord north of Lexington?

Yes, Concord is indeed north of Lexington. Actually the history of Concord and Lexington is very interesting. You should go check it out on google or something. Hope my answer was helpful!

What happened in US history on April 19 1775?

the battles of Lexington and concord.

Who led the battle of Lexington and concord?

No one led the battle of Lexington. It was an event that just happened and history does not report who fired the first shot. The British were enroute to Concord when they found the 77 colonist on the Lexington green. Someone fired the first shot and soon a battle began. When it was all done the British reorganized and continued their march to Concord.

Who fired the first shot in the concord and lexington battle?

No ones knows. Lost to history.

What has the author George J Varney written?

George J. Varney has written: 'The young people's history of Maine' -- subject(s): History 'The story of Patriot's day, Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Concord, Battle of, Concord, Mass., 1775, Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775, Patriots' Day, Flags

Where can one find information about the battle of Lexington and Concord?

Information about the battle of Lexington and Concord can be found in all good history books. The battle was one of the first military engagements of the American Civil War.

Was Lexington and concord one town?

yes it was at one point at 1768 this is crucial fact to the american history.

What has the author Frederic Hudson written?

Frederic Hudson has written: 'Concord fight, April 19th, 1775' -- subject(s): Concord, Battle of, Concord, Mass., 1775, Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775 'Journalism in the United States, from 1690-1872' -- subject(s): Press, Journalism, American newspapers, History

Why is concord massachussetts an important city US history?

Concord, MA was the site of the initial conflict of the Revolutionary War. The battle of Lexington and Concord happened on April 19, 1775. Also many famous litterary figures lived in Concord at the same time in the mid-nineteenth century, most notably Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry David Thoreau, and Bronson and Louisa May Alcott.

Which colonial war occurred first?

i think it is when lexington and concord fought. You can look up new hampshire history and see if it is there too!

What event took place first Battle of concord battle of Lexington British retreat to Boston Paul revere captured?

The Battle of Lexington. I should know, I not only studied it, but I got the answer correct on my History test.

Where was the battle of lexington and concord located?

The Battle of Lexington was at Lexington, MassachusettsThe Battle of Concord began at Concord, Massachusetts, and as the heavily outnumbered British retreated, became a running battle all the way back to Boston.