positive: gives nutrient soil and gives free heating.
negative: kills people and ash is poisonous.
payton ash
They cool earth, due to the ash and gas released.
Dinosaur's died because a volcano erupted and all the ash ans soot blocked out the sun and every thing died including the plants and DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!! (well that's one of the scientific reasons)
Yes, Nathan Boone, youngest son of the famous Daniel Boone married. He is an ancestor of my granddaughter by marriage and the line is well documented. His wife was Olive Van Bibber (1783-1858). They were married September 26, 1799, in Greenbriar County, KY, when Olive was just 16. One on-line source says that when the elder Boones were leaving Kentucky for Missouri, young Nathan began the trip with the family, then went back for his beautiful Olive. They married and set out alone for Missouri, following about a month behind the family. They had 14 children. Nathan and Olive died in Ash Grove, Greene County, Missouri. Yes, Nathan Boone, youngest son of the famous Daniel Boone married. He is an ancestor of my granddaughter by marriage and the line is well documented. His wife was Olive Van Bibber (1783-1858). They were married September 26, 1799, in Greenbriar County, KY, when Olive was just 16. One on-line source says that when the elder Boones were leaving Kentucky for Missouri, young Nathan began the trip with the family, then went back for his beautiful Olive. They married and set out alone for Missouri, following about a month behind the family. They had 14 children. Nathan and Olive died in Ash Grove, Greene County, Missouri.
The volcanic ash is very fertile and can bring a very good harvest. The pyroclastic flow and the lava is very destractive and can caurse a lot of damedge to the serrounding area.
Ash can have both positive and negative effects on plant growth. Positive effects include providing trace nutrients like potassium and calcium. However, excessive ash can raise soil pH, leading to nutrient imbalances and potentially hindering plant growth. It's important to monitor ash application carefully to avoid detrimental impacts on plants.
The Eyjafjallajokull eruption in 2010 deposited a layer of ash on the surrounding land, which had both positive and negative effects. The ash added valuable nutrients to the soil, benefiting agriculture in the long term. However, the ash also caused disruptions, such as contamination of water sources and damage to vegetation and livestock.
ash from volcanoes is good for trees because it makes furtilizer.
No, an ash fall is not a volcano. An ash fall occurs when volcanic ash and debris are ejected from a volcano during an eruption and then carried by winds to surrounding areas, causing the ash to fall to the ground.
Some negative effects of volcanoes in Iceland include ash fall, which can disrupt air travel and harm agriculture; lava flows that can destroy property and infrastructure; and floods caused by melting glaciers during volcanic eruptions. Additionally, volcanic gases released during eruptions can pose health risks to humans and animals.
Volcanoes can have both positive and negative effects on the Earth. Positive effects include creating new land through lava flow and providing nutrients for soil fertility. Negative effects include releasing harmful gases and ash into the atmosphere, leading to air pollution and potential climate changes.
Positive effects: The volcanic eruption in Pompeii preserved the city in its unique state, providing valuable historical and archaeological insights into ancient Roman daily life. It also serves as a captivating tourist attraction that generates economic benefits for the region. Negative effects: The eruption caused the destruction of Pompeii and claimed many lives, resulting in a tragic loss of life and cultural heritage. It also led to significant environmental damage and displaced the residents of the city, causing immense suffering and upheaval in the region.
Short term effects of a volcano include ash fall, pyroclastic flows, and lahars, impacting immediate surroundings. Long term effects can involve land fertility due to ash accumulation, creation of new landforms, and potential climate change from ash and gas emissions altering the atmosphere.
Volcanic eruptions can have both positive and negative effects on the biosphere. Negative impacts include the release of toxic gases and ash that can harm plants and animals, as well as the destruction of habitats. However, volcanic eruptions can also enrich the soil with minerals and nutrients, stimulate new growth, and create new habitats for species to thrive in the long term.
An ash fall is a rain of airborne ash resulting from a volcanic eruption.
Volcanoes can have both positive and negative effects on soil. While volcanic eruptions can enrich the soil with minerals and nutrients, they can also cause soil degradation and infertility due to the deposition of ash and lava. The extent of the impact depends on the proximity to the volcano and the type of eruption.