what are the advantage and disadvantages of our young man having sound relation with the people belonging to other
The most important benefit of "our young men" having a sound relationship with people of other creeds is the furtherance of "International Brotherhood." Learning each others respective methods, of how we can best be partners in conquering humanities endeavors. Deeper understanding of the many differences and cultures, of all kinds, that must exist together on our planet Earth.
Yes, people from all over the world still imigrate to the U.S. every day. There is still a wide variety of cultures all over the nation, which makes it just as much of a "melting pot" as it was way back.
National integrationis a positive aspect. It reduces socio-cultural and economic differences or inequalities and strengthens national unity and solidarity, which is not imposed by any authority. People share ideas, values and emotional bonds. It is feeling of unity within diversity. National identity is supreme. Cultural unity, constitution, territorial continuity, common economic problems, art, literature, national festivals, national flag, national anthem and national emblem etc promote National Integration. A National Integration Conference was first called by the then Prime Minister Shri Nehru in 1961. The Conference set up a National Integration Council to review all matters pertaining to this vital question and to make recommendations thereonNational integration means the unity of the nation. It has been rightly said "United we stand but divided we fall". A nation which is not united falls like a house of cards. India is a country where persons of different castes, colors and creeds live together. Narrow considerations like communalism, regionalism, casteism and linguism seem to rule the country. National integration, therefore, has become the most urgent need of the hour.There are various factors responsible for disintegration in India. Occasional communal riots still take place in different parts of the country. These riots cause great loss to the progress and economy of the nation. Regionalism is another threat to the national integration. The demand for Khalistanis an example of such regionalism. The states fight among themselves over areas, over distribution of river water and over territory. People vote on the basis of caste and not on basis of merit. Linguism is another threat to national integration.The need of the day is to keep communal harmony in India. Political parties can play an important role. They must teach people that they are Indians first and then anything else. They should be more disciplined. They should sacrifice their personal interests in the interest of their country. Educational institutions must infuse the spirit of national integration among the students. Newspaper, television, cinema and radio can also play a useful role in developing the feeling of oneness among the people.We have to create a national awakening among the people of our country. The government should make all efforts to meet the situation strictly. Those who are found involved in anti-national and anti-social activities should be dealt with a heavy hand. We should try our best to maintain communal harmony in our society and unite India into one nation.National IntegrationIndia has many races, nationalities, castes, subscastes and communities but so far the hear of India is concerned it is one. It is true that societies that have been integrated into bonds of unity have always enjoyed peace, stability, prosperity and permanence. And those torn by mutual distruptive tendencies among various sections of the society have always been short lived and become non- existent. The national integration is the process of uniting different people from all walks of life into a single whole. The most serious problem being faced by India in present circumstances is, how to develop an atmosphere of national consciousness among so varied a people. Indians already have suffered for long periods, the pangs of enslavement and servitude. It is India in the whole world which has to suffer under foreign rulers for more than seven hundred years. The separatist tendencies among people and kings have always resulted in the fall of our kingdoms. Our country was always divided into large number of small kingdoms which were mostly at daggers end. There has been a lack of national consciousness. The internal disputes among the Rajput kings allowed Muslim invaders to establish their foothold here. Then the Britishers were able to create rifts between various kings and princes and thus established their supremacy. It was only overthrown when Indian nationhood joined together by unparalled acumen of some great Indian leaders who became creators of history.There is a need to make efforts for creating emotional integration or a sense of unity. The need of the hour is national integration. It should be taught at the very beginning, in all schools and colleges all over the country that India is one and only one. The difference between various cultures are just superficial and basically it is only one. What is needed is superior interpretations, synthesis of the power of the mind that can give rise to a vision of the whole and oneness. The school and college teaching material should be suitably revised wherein importance and need of oneness should be emphasised. From one end of the country to the other end, regular long distance tours must be conducted so as to foster emotional integration among the young students of our country. Steps must be taken to see that, there are no sectional appeals so that disunity among the people does not increase manifold.To bring about national integration, there are many techniques. It can be forced out, or can be made to strengthen from within the core of hearts. The result by way of exercise of power would always be weak, unsuccessful and it would be for a temporary phase only. But when the sense of national integration stems from within, it would be strong stable and ever-lasting.British government brought about national integration by way of their needs. For the first time during the British rule, the whole of India came to be governed from one centre and all regions of the country from West to East and South to North obeyed instructions and advice from the central power. This was because the God of freedom was the same and realized all over the country. The national unity became more emotional when the country fought a united struggle for freedom. Emotional integration is the basic foundation on which the main structure of national integration can be created.There is a rich cultural heritage in India. All of us are inheritors to several grand treasurers in the fields of music, dance, drama, fine arts and paintings, sculpture and theatre. Our seers and sages have left behind a tradition of piety, penance, conquest of passion and spiritual greatness. Our cultural unity is further exemplified by the great temples of the South, the caves of Khajuraho and Ajanta and Ellora which are glittering examples of proficiency of India in the field of architecture and sculpture. India classical music is built on the concept of ragas and talas. Each raga is regarded appropriage to a certain emotion, a certain mood suitable for a specified time of the day or night. In the modern times, people like Pandit Ravi Shanker have taken the Indian music to great heights in the whole world and thus have bridged the gap between the East and the West in the field of music.Today the intellectuals of Indian society can give the right direction as the country is standing at the crossroads of failures and achievements. The intellectuals must come out of their narrow cells of detachment and awake up to their responsibilities towards the general masses. Through national integration, we will prosper and flourish and dominate the others who are characterized by divisive forces. We will carry with us, a power and strength, solidity and solidarity and an element of cohesiveness which will impart to us further permanence and stay in present struggling world.The Problem of National IntegrationNational integration means the unity of the nation. It has been rightly said "United we stand but divided we fall". A nation which is not united falls like a house of cards. India is a country where persons of different castes, colors and creeds live together. Narrow considerations like communalism, regionalism, casteism and linguism seem to rule the country. National integration, therefore, has become the most urgent need of the hour.There are various factors responsible for disintegration in India. Occasional communal riots still take place in different parts of the country. These riots cause great loss to the progress and economy of the nation. Regionalism is another threat to the national integration. The demand for Khalistan is an example of such regionalism. The states fight among themselves over areas, over distribution of river water and over territory. People vote on the basis of caste and not on basis of merit. Linguism is anotherthreat to national integration.The need of the day is to keep communal harmony in India. Political parties can play an important role. They must teach people that they are Indians first and then anything else. They should be more disciplined. They should sacrifice their personal interests in the interest of their country. Educational institutions must infuse the spirit of national integration among the students. Newspaper, television, cinema and radio can also play a useful role in developing the feeling of oneness among the people.We have to create a national awakening among the people of our country. The government should make all efforts to meet the situation strictly. Those who are found involved in anti-national and anti-social activities should be dealt with a heavy hand. We should try our best to maintain communal harmony in our society and unite India into one nation.NATIONAL INTEGRATIONIndia is a country of rich cultural heritage with different colours,.
The most important benefit of "our young men" having a sound relationship with people of other creeds is the furtherance of "International Brotherhood." Learning each others respective methods, of how we can best be partners in conquering humanities endeavors. Deeper understanding of the many differences and cultures, of all kinds, that must exist together on our planet Earth.
Many doctrines have turned into Creeds. Creeds have different rituals than traditional religion.
There are actually three creeds: the popular Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed as well as the Athanasian Creed.
The Crips gang does not have seventeen official creeds. The Crips are a notorious criminal organization that originated in Los Angeles in the late 1960s. They are known for their use of colors such as blue, and their rivalry with the Bloods gang.
The way you say the creed will depend on the particular creed. There are different creeds that are associated with various religions. The Nicene and ApostleÍs creeds are quite popular.
The most important benefit of "our young men" having a sound relationship with people of other creeds is the furtherance of "International Brotherhood." Learning each others respective methods, of how we can best be partners in conquering humanities endeavors. Deeper understanding of the many differences and cultures, of all kinds, that must exist together on our planet Earth.
Late 1400s and 1500s
Three, Apostles, Athanasius, and the Nicence.
so far they're planning on a trilogy
Is;am has only 2 creeds which are Sunnah & Shia.
Altair was in a different creed from Ezio and they were in different places.
Kharim Blown