Senators are elected to represent the state from which they are elected. In conjunction with the US House of Representatives they have the authority to pass laws that they deem necessary and proper granted they do not violate the US Constitution. They also, together with the House pass Constitutional Amendments for ratification by the states.
The Senate has powers that are exclusive to that body including: Ratification of Treaties, Consenting to the appointment of Federal Judges, cabinet Secretaries, certain federal officers, and military officers.
State constitutions.
There are 2 senators-Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson.
1.The Constitution goes on to explain the duties and responsibilities of the president.The Constitution says that executive power is vested in the President in the Executive Branch.
The Second Article (Article II ) gives this information.
Two, as mandated by the US Constitution.
State constitutions.
There are 100 US Senators Because the constitution calls for two senators from each state, and there are fifty states.
The duties and structure of the executive branch of government are found in the US Constitution. More specifically they are defined in Article 2 of the Constitution.
Article I of the US Constitution establishes the legislative branch.
the executive branch.
it is in the constitution that each state has two senators
Nothing more than the US Constitution determines the number of Senators in each state.