The duties of the President of the US are:Command the armed forcesMake treaties with foreign nationsAppoint officials of the U.S.A.See the Related Link for more information.
State constitutions.
There is no duties leader.
The presiden duties . and the legislative branch duties.
The Cabinet members in the order of which their departments were created.
The duties of the solicitor general are to represent the US in the supreme court and act like a tenth justice in the court.
The Second Article (Article II ) gives this information.
There are three duties expected of US citizens. These duties are paying of taxes, defending the United States as a nation and obeying all the laws of the land.
acting like glen mason and being fat
Restore the Nation's credit.
the executive branch.
The duties and structure of the executive branch of government are found in the US Constitution. More specifically they are defined in Article 2 of the Constitution.
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Base closures and the addition of LAW ENFORCEMENT duties to the US Military.