Dura lex sed lex is Latin for "the law is harsh but it is the law." Examples would be disproportionately large sentences for drug crimes compared to violent crimes, or in some opinions the use of the death penalty in general.
can i have a examples of confederation
What are 4 examples of power?
australia, new zealand
Some examples of inherent powers are the following:regulate immigrationdeport undocumented aliensacquire territory
Those are examples of questions. Those are examples of questions.
The examples are tire ,ballon ,and beachball and the non-examples are shoe,chair,and bed
Examples of misrepresentation of facts Examples of misrepresentation of facts
examples chemistry trivias examples chemistry trivias
what are the examples for grass
examples are
2 Examples are _________ &
ram examples
examples of a participle
what are the main part of some examples of cooperative? the real examples of it cause some have some differernt of examples of cooperative that why i want to know to the main cooperative examples of it
Oxygen and argon are examples of gases.
what are the main part of some examples of cooperative? the real examples of it cause some have some differernt of examples of cooperative that why i want to know to the main cooperative examples of it
Examples of mammals:doglionwhalebearhuman