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Jefferson City MO, Lincoln NE, Madison WI, Jackson MS

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Q: What are the four capital's named after the president's?
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What 4 state capitals are named after presidents?

There are four state capitals that are named after US presidents. They are Madison, WI, Jefferson City, MO, Jackson, MS, and Lincoln, NE.

Can you name the four capitals cities which are named for us presidents?

Jackson, MS; Lincoln, NE; Madison, WI; Jefferson City, MO

How many state capitals are named after US vice-presidents?

Jefferson city

What Capitals names after presidents?

No presidents were named after capitals, but rather vice versa. The capitals named after presidents are... Lincoln, Nebraska (Abraham Lincoln) Madison, Wisconsin (James Madison) Jackson, Mississippi (Andrew Jackson) Jefferson City, Missouri (Thomas Jefferson) Washington, District of Columbia (George Washington) [the national capital]

Name two state capitals that contain a name of a US President?

Two state capitals that have United States Presidents in their name are Jefferson City, MO and Lincoln, NE. Madison, WI and Jackson, MS are two more capitals named for Presidents.

Which state capitals in the Midwest region are named for which President of the US?

Jefferson City, MO , Madison, WI Jackson, MS , and Lincoln, Nebraska are named for US presidents,

How many state capitals are named after US Presidents?

Jackson, MississippiJefferson City, MissouriLincoln, NebraskaMadison, Wisconsin

What state capitals in Australia were named after queens?

No Australian state capitals were named after queens.The states of Victoria and Queensland were named after Queen Victoria.

How many capitals has the Ottoman Empire had?

The Ottoman Empire had four capitals.

How many presidents were named Nathaniel?

No US presidents were named Nathaniel.

Are state capitals named for people?


What are common things that Washington DC and London England?

both are capitals