Jefferson City, MO , Madison, WI Jackson, MS , and Lincoln, Nebraska are named for US presidents,
Four U. S. state capitals are named after U. S. Presidents:Jefferson City, Missouri: renamed Jefferson from Lohman's Landing in 1821; became a city in 1839Jackson, Mississippi: renamed from LeFleur's Bluff in 1822, before Jackson's presidencyMadison, Wisconsin: named in 1836 by purchaser James Duane DotyLincoln, Nebraska: renamed from Lancaster in 1867
Although Monrovia, Liberia is the only foreign capital city named after a former US President (James Monroe) it is not the only non-US city named in honor of a past chief executive. Presidente Hayes, a department (equivalent to a county or province) in Paraguay and it's capital Villa Hayes are both named for former President Rutherford B. Hayes
As of June 2014, no United States President has been named Sebastian. The first president was named George. The current president is named Barack.
President James Garfield had a dog named veto.
Monrovia was named for US President, James Monroe ,who was in office when Liberia was created.
No Australian state capitals were named after queens.The states of Victoria and Queensland were named after Queen Victoria.
Two state capitals that have United States Presidents in their name are Jefferson City, MO and Lincoln, NE. Madison, WI and Jackson, MS are two more capitals named for Presidents.
Hassium was named for a region in Germany.
No, the Midwest is a region of the country and the Great Lakes are 5 giant lakes named Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario that are located in Canada and several states in the northern United States
Victoria and Regina
A Midwest upcoming rapper named Sloan currently in a album prodution.
Four U. S. state capitals are named after U. S. Presidents:Jefferson City, Missouri: renamed Jefferson from Lohman's Landing in 1821; became a city in 1839Jackson, Mississippi: renamed from LeFleur's Bluff in 1822, before Jackson's presidencyMadison, Wisconsin: named in 1836 by purchaser James Duane DotyLincoln, Nebraska: renamed from Lancaster in 1867
Jackson, Mississippi seems to fit.
Officially named the "North Central region" by the US Census Bureau until 1984, the "Midwest", or the "Midwestern United States" is just one of the four Census Bureau-defined geographic regions of the United States. The most populous cities are Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Omaha, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Wichita, and St. Louis.
Columbus and Columbia