# Private ownership # individual initiative, # profit # competition
It is true that because of the system of free enterprises, citizens enjoy many advantages. Free enterprise is also known as capitalism. It is an economic system where the individuals in the economy have the freedom to create business with little government intervention.
undermined the free enterprise system
As Smith had predicted,the countries with free enterprise systems grew rich and powerful.
It depends on what free enterprise you are looking at. Tariffs generally promote free enterprise within the nation, while hurting foreign companies. The modern free market is a global network of interconnecting business interests so modern tariff use hurts free enterprise as we now understand it. In the past, economies were much more localized, so high tariffs did not have as great an effect on the free enterprise of other countries and people didn't care whether or not that happened anyway.
Enforcing legal regulations to keep employees safe Yw
There are four factors underlying a free enterprise system. They include private ownership of property, competition between businesses, individual initiative, and profit.
private ownership, individual initiative, profit, and competition
idnetify factors in the united states that made it ideal for the free enterprise system
Individuals are free to won and control the factors of production
there are four components of the free enterprise system which include: competition, the pursuit of profit, private property and the right to choose.
Private ownership Individual Initiative Profit Competition
The United States is a free enterprise system.
Free Enterprise
Private ownership individual initiative profit competition
The Free Enterprise System is based on the right of the individual to run a business for profit with a minimum of government control. The characteristics of a free enterprise system are freedom, competition, and private ownership.
Free Enterprise System
It has a free enterprise or "capitalistic" economic system.