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Although Latin was spoken in Britain between 43 a.d (or b.c.e. = before the common era) and 410 a.d. any traces of it were largely swamped by Anglo-Saxons who imposed their Germanic-based language on what became England. The Cornish, Welsh, Irish and Scots continued to use variants of the Celtic language found in the British Isles before the Romans arrived.

Latin was used by the Christian Church as a common language binding Christian Europe together, and it continued to be used in Law and medecine. This was an elitist usage and has not greatly affected English directly.

The Norman language was imported with the invasion of 1066 and became bound up with Saxon to produce Early English. The Norman language was a form of French, but as French is a 'Romance' language i.e. derived from the Romans, a number of Latin elements were included in English.

Greek (i.e. Attic Greek, the language of the Athenians) was introduced into Biblical studies and Rennaisance/Humanities studies only from the 16th Century. It never greatly affected standard English.

English grammar is Germanic in structure and the Classical language have not affected this very much, the influence is in volcabulary. English does now include a great many loan words from a wide range of sources. Words like 'alibi' (= elsewhere) come from Latin whilst words such as 'Biology' have been created from Greek. 'Bungalow' is an example of a word imported via our experiences in India.

The main reasons for influence of Latin and Greek languages in English are that they are the base of language and define and develope new and more creative vocabulary.

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