1 Agricultural entomology
2 Forest entomology
3 Foresic entomology
4 Medical entomology
5 Vetenary entomology
6 Cultural entomology
7 Soil entomology
8 Acquatic entomology
9 Extention entomology
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The study of insects is called "entomology."
enumerate the three major branches of subranches of science
3 major branches.
There are many different branches of science like Biology or Chemistry. Physics and Anatomy are also major branches of science.
Systematic Entomology was created in 1932.
Prodromus Entomology was created in 1805.
African Entomology was created in 1993.
There are several branches of biology. Mammalogy is the study of mammals, while ornithology is the study of birds. Botany is the study of plants. The study of insects is entomology. Ichthyologists study fish. Herpetologists study amphibians and reptiles.
Yes. Entomology deals with the study of insects.
enumerate the branches of science
The 3 major branches in the Philippines are Luzon (the biggest island), Vizayas (the smallest) and Mindanao.