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to challenge government to abide by our constitution n to participate in elections at EVERY level to continue our present form of government

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According to the article in Wikipedia indicated, the main purpose of government is to provide for basic security and public order.

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iwan ko..hehehe

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Q: What are the prime duty of the government to its citizen?
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What is the prime duty of the government to its citizen?

to help them ... hope it helps

What is the prime duty of the government to its citizens?

to help them ... hope it helps

What is a citizen's duty and a citizen's responsibility?


What are the nstp guiding principle?

It is the prime duty of the state to serve and protect its citizens. In turn, it shall be the responsibility of the citizens to defend the security of the state and in fulfillment thereof, the government may require each citizen to render personal, military, or civil service."

What are the guiding principles of NSTP?

It is the prime duty of the state to serve and protect its citizens. In turn, it shall be the responsibility of the citizens to defend the security of the state and in fulfillment thereof, the government may require each citizen to render personal, military, or civil service."

What are Duty of a US citizen?

The three duties of a citizen are Jury Duty Obeying Laws Paying Taxes

What can a U.S. citizen do in America that a non citizen cannot do?

A citizen has the duty to vote and to serve on juries.

What is a citizen's responsibility?

"A person owes no duty to the State [government], absent a contract." Hale vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906)

Do you have to be a citizen to do jury duty?

yes you do

What are the resonsibilities of a citizen?

Generally speaking the responsibilities of a citizen are to vote and obey the laws of the nation. In democratic nations, citizens have a duty to either take part in civic affairs and, or stay abreast of the affairs of government.

What is duty of an American citizen?

freedom of right

What are the rights and the responsibilities of a citizen?

To be informed is a duty