According to the Constitution there should be one representative for every 30,000 people in a state. This determines how many representatives are sent for each state.
Yes. One house of congress and each state only got one vote no matter what their population or size. Spell Checked No Errors =) Except for that face
In the House of Representatives. Each state has 2 senators in the Senate but a state's representation in the House depends on the size of the population.
A legislature with two branches is a legislature that consists of two groups, both of which must agree before a law can be passed. The US Congress is an example of a Legislative assembly with two branches. One branch, or house, is the US Senate; the other is the US House of Representatives.
Based on its smaller size, the United States Senate has the ability to allow unlimited debate, such as filibusters. During the nineteenth century, both houses of Congress allowed filibuster debates. However, due to the House's increasing size, it became no longer feasible.
The consequences of attempting to increase the size of the supreme court was that the government would have to much power in the congress.
The House of Representatives is the part of the United States Congress that's size is determined based on the population of the state.
House seats are based on population. But each state, regardless of size, has two Senate seats.
Called for each states representation in congress to be based on population size(APEX U.S. Government/Politics 2018)
Congress ultimately. But congress is divided into 2 houses the Senate and the House of Representatives: the senators and the representatives of states. There are 2 Senators per state and the number of representatives varies by size of state, each state being split into districts with a representative.
The answer depends on the size of each house!
depending on the size of each house
Under the New Jersey plan for Congress, there would have been a single house, with each state to have one vote regardless of its size or population. Under the Connecticut Compromise, two houses were established, with the Senate providing equal representation for every state.
2/3 majority vote from both houses (House of Representatives and Senate).
Large and small states could not agree on the size of Congress.
The convention split Congress into two houses, bicameral, in a compromise to please both those who favored state power independent of size and state power according to population. Due to this, a state is granted seats in the H. R. according to the most recent census whereas each state has two senators. This compromise was perhaps what made the US Constitution able to be ratified in some states. Another advantage of a bicameral legislative branch is that each house checks one another.
the federalists
Each state currently has a certain amount of electors which depends on their population size. The number of electors in each state is equal to this number. The more members of congress for each state, the greater amount of "say" the state has in the elections.