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Not, 100% sure. But, if you want to see how a progressive government runs in the this current present time. You can view the government of Bermuda, a closely business allied country to the USA. Though a self governed British overseas territory. (current progressive party) (everything Bermuda) (the law) or .bm (news paper) or .bm (news paper)

This government has had control of Bermuda now for over a decade, and draws similarities to the present Liberal (Progressive) (unsure witch it is) Government of the USA. They have claimed to forward progressiveness and a betterment for all people over their time as government. Please examine for yourselves. It will help explain the Progressive approach to governance.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Government should be more accountable to its citizens.

Government should curb the power an dinfluence of wealthy ineterests.

Government sould be given expanded powers so that it could become more active in improving the lives of its citizens.

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14y ago

1. Promote social welfare 2. Promote moral reform 3. Create economic reform 4. Increase government efficiency We studied this in us history

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13y ago

1) Temperance (illegalize alcohol)

2) Women's rights

3) Educational reform

4) Urban reform (clean up the cities, etc)

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14y ago
  • protecting social welfare
  • promoting moral improvement
  • creating economic reform
  • fostering efficiency
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Q: What are three goals of the progressives?
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What were the prime goals of earnest progressives?

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Some of the goals of progressives were the right for women to vote, the institution of an income tax, and the implementation of secret ballots. They also wanted to regulate big companies, put minimum wage laws into effect, and have senators elected directly by the people.

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The Progressives focused on the Urban poor.

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