Edward Braddock was leader of the colonies during the French and Indian War, also called the Seven Years War. He died during a battle in 1755. He never led a battle in the Revolutionary War.
George Washington
The answer is General Cornwallis .
George Grenville IMPROVEMENT The British commander in Boston was General Thomas Gage. He was also the British commander in chief in America.
Admiral Richard Howe was a British Admiral who served in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years War, the Revolutionary War, and the French Revolution. General William Howe was a British General who was in command of British forces in North America during the Revolutionary War.
The Battles of Saratoga
Edward Braddock.
The British because General Charles Cornwallis was forced to surrender.
General Edward Braddock was British.
he was a British general that lead an expidition against the french at fort dunquesne
George Washington was military aide of British General Braddock. He was also a defender of the frontier in the Americas.
The British Force
George Washington
General Edward braddock
General Braddock
General Braddock had 1,300 troops and militia at his command.
The answer is General Cornwallis .
while General Braddock was overseeing the attack , he was shot through the lungs , so then the solders had no commands and eventually the officers ( under Braddock ) organized a retreat . Over half the British force was killed or wounded.