Indians benefited in some ways, but they were always regarded as second-class citizens.
Benefits to India:
A school system was established.
Advances in transportation and communication, such as railroads and telegraphs, appeared in India soon after they appeared in Britain.
British rule brought political stability to regions previously divided by civil war.
A fairly efficient and honest government was set up
Britain got tea and other spices from India. When Marco Polo went to China, he brought back tea and many spices to Europe.
There was a great impact of colonial rule on pastoral community. Under colonial rule there life changed dramatically . Due to the colonial rule their grazing ground shrank as the colonial states were trying to bring most of the land under cultivation. The revenue they had to pay increased because land revenue was the only source of income for the colonial states.They wanted to increase cultivated areas so as to increase revenue and most probably they can produce more jute,cotton,wheat etc. required in England.
Margaret Shippen Arnold did not want independence from Britain. She knew that if she supported the rebellion, that it would not bring her family any financial rewards. So, thereforshe supported Britain with her best interests at heart.
Britain fought in the U.S. Revolutionary War because The original 13 colonies belonged to Great Britain. In order for the colonies to became free they had to fight Britain to gain their own freedom and become their own country.
counterurbanisation can bring benefits to rural areas by bringing new and better transport links and also new services such as petrol stations, shops etc to that area. Also it increases the value of the land as more people will be moving out of the city and so supports the local economy. It also benefits the area by bringing a wider variety of people and increases the cultural standing of the area. I need to write an essay on this and this is about all I can think of!
To bring settlers to the colony, lord Baltimore, promised 100 acres to each male settler, 100 for his wife,100 for each servant,and 50 for each of his children.
This is still a highly debated issue, especially when considering if the benefits* outweighed the detriments. The general consensus, however, is that the main benefits were unification, the virtual eradication of "primitive customs" such as widow burning, education, industry (this is debated as it encouraged some and discouraged others), infrastructure, and an introduction to the world stage.
It decreased shipping times for coal and heavy goods more than any other method of transportation
It decreased shipping times for coal and heavy goods more than any other method of transportation
It decreased shipping times for coal and heavy goods more than any other method of transportation
He was protesting English Colonial rule over India. He wanted to bring public opinion over to the side of freedom. Gandhi wanted to make India a free nation. this is not a good answer=- miah r. from upsm
what benefits did increased trade bring to new mexico in the year 1855
There was a great impact of colonial rule on pastoral community. Under colonial rule there life changed dramatically . Due to the colonial rule their grazing ground shrank as the colonial states were trying to bring most of the land under cultivation. The revenue they had to pay increased because land revenue was the only source of income for the colonial states.They wanted to increase cultivated areas so as to increase revenue and most probably they can produce more jute,cotton,wheat etc. required in England.
The monsoons are welcome in India because India needs the water for crops and just need water in general.
The 4th Amendment is the Amendment that prevents searching without probable cause and a warrant. It was written in response to the Writs of Assistance which was a search warrant used by Britain against colonial Americans in response to smugglers.