Both allow citizens to vote for members of the legislature
Well, in both presidential and parliamentary democracies, the people have the power to elect their leaders. It's like painting a beautiful landscape - different techniques are used, but the goal is always to create a peaceful and harmonious society. Just remember, whether it's a presidential or parliamentary system, the most important thing is that the voices of the people are heard and respected.
A key similarity between presidential and parliamentary democracies is that both systems are forms of representative democracy where citizens elect officials to represent them in government. Additionally, both systems have a separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches, although the specific structure and relationship between these branches may differ. Finally, in both systems, the government is accountable to the people through regular elections and mechanisms of checks and balances to prevent abuse of power.
Well, honey, in both presidential and parliamentary democracies, the people get to vote for their leaders. Plus, they both have a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch from getting too big for its britches. So, whether you're in the Oval Office or the House of Commons, it's all about keeping the power in check and the people happy.
all are correct for u aplus cheaters haha =D
Answer this question… Both were inspired by Enlightenment ideals.
Both groups were able to own land and African slaves
Both revolutions were motivated by ideas about natural rights and popular sovereignty.
Answer this question… Both attempted to remove dictators from power.
Answer this question… Both attempted to remove dictators from power.
what best describes the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the presidential government
what best describes the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the presidential government
Apex The members of the legislative branch are directly elected by the people
The widely used definition of Presidential Democracy is "A system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature" whereas, Parliamentary Democracy is defined as "A party with greatest representation in the parliament and its leader becoming the prime minister or chancellor".
A monarch rules but with parliamentary controls.
A monarch rules but with parliamentary controls.
which of the following describes the similarity between the retained earning, and common stock account?
the answer is .C your welcome
This question looks like it ought to have options. You are probably looking for either:- Constitutional Republics or Parliamentary Democracies both of which allow the people to elect representatives to form governments. They work slightly differently. There are probably also other systems. The catch all is "Representative Democracy".
They Both Take In Water.
Answer this question… Both were inspired by Enlightenment ideals.