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12y ago
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12y ago

the feudalism in Europe declined was based on the divisions of the land by the kings nobles and vassals in return of there military service under the feudal levy other stuff that caused the decline of Europe was because of new trading places and the black plague

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12y ago

This is why you do your homework and to not waste time on the computer... heh Chapter 5... i know u guys are looking for answers :P

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14y ago

The start of the age of exploration. With that new ideas and things came into Europe bringing a new dawn of learning and thinking.

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12y ago

Business and trade increased. Merchants became richer and the towns wanted to govern themselves to be free of manor.

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14y ago

the magna carta

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11y ago

revival of trade and commerce

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Bubonic Plague

(black death)

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Q: What contributed to the decline of feudalism?
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They contributed to the decline of feudalism.

How did the crusades contribute to the decline of feudalism?

The Crusades caused many nobles and knights to leave their land which caused feudalism to decline. Because of the decline in feudalism, many kings took the opprotunity to come to power and create a kingdom.

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3 factors that led to the end of feudalism was the bubonic plague, the hundreds' years war, and the magna carta

Why did feudalism decline in Europe in 1215?

1215 was the year of the Magna Carta. This was a document that limited the powers of the monarch of England, which therefore was a decline in feudalism in that specific area.

What caused feudalism to decline?

The loss of serfs on the manor.

What were the long term effects on the feudalism system?

The long-term effects of the feudalism system included the concentration of power among nobles, the stagnation of social mobility, and the eventual decline of feudalism in favor of more centralized forms of governance like monarchies. Feudalism also contributed to economic inefficiency and fragmentation of territories, making it difficult for large-scale development and trade to flourish.

Which 1what was an indirect resullt of the Crusades in Europe 1The Declineof Feudalism 2The expansion of serfdom 3The Decrease of Power of Monarchs Or the declineof scientific knowledge?

The decline of feudalism was an indirect result of the Crusades in Europe. The Crusades led to an increase in trade and commerce, which weakened the feudal system based on agricultural production and established a new class of merchants and traders. This shift in economic power contributed to the eventual decline of feudalism and the rise of a more centralized, monarchial system.

Who lost power as a result of the rise of Townes in decline of feudalism?


When did feudalism decline in the middle ages?

No Idea that is what I am trying to figure out

What are the reasons of the decline of feudalism?

black death (plague) and crusades

Was Feudalism declined in the late Middle Ages?

No, feudalism flourished between 900 and 1500, but then started to decline at a steady pace.

How did the commercial revolution contribute to the decline of feudalism and manorialism?

because walrus