On May 10, 1940, Germany attacked the countries of Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as France. Germany had already taken Czechoslovakia and Poland, and was on a frightening campaign to dominate the world.
Countries and territories annexed before World War 2:
Countries invaded by Germany during World War 2:
In addition, much of Italy (1943) after it had changed sides, and Hungary (1944) also after it tried to change sides.
The invasion of the west on May 10th 1940 defeated the Netherlands & Luxembourg & Belgium & France.
political george bush (the gay wanker) has invaded nearly the whole world.
There was another world war after the first because powers arose in the intervening years that spanned the globe and alligned themselves together to take over other countries. Germany Italy and Japan started invading other countries and killing their citiziens and shipping off people and goods to their own countries. These invaded countries of course resisted and their allies helped them. This led to the world war. Japan invaded China, the Philippines, Australia, and other countries bordered on the Pacific. They also attacked the United States. Big Mistake. Germany invaded Poland, France, Russia, Finland, etc, most of Europe ! World War 2 is called "The Good War" because it was so clear who was in the right and who was not. Which is not the case in most wars.
The US responded by offering the Marshall aid this was resources for countries that were under the threat of being invaded by the soviets, by doing this they would be "containing" communism
Engage in war unless invaded.
When Hitler invaded Poland and other countries in 1939 and 1940 he violated the Munich Agreement.
Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, & Luxembourg
Germany invaded the Netherlands in May 10th 1940.
Germany had advanced into areas such as the rhineland and the sudetanland. They had also invaded Czech of Slovakia and Poland
Denmark and Norway were the next countries the Nazis invaded (April 1940).
He invaded on the 10 May 1940.
The Jews never invaded no one , the Jews got invaded by the Nazis! and holland cooked burgers and had a great milkshake from macdonalds for Christmas dinner The Jews invaded Palestine in 1947.
31 August 1939 Poland declared war on Germany 03 September 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany 10 May 1940 the Netherlands declared war on Germany 06 April 1941 Germany declared war on Yugoslavia 16 December 1941 Czechoslovakia declared war on Germany 22 June 1942 Germany declared war on the Soviet Union I have found no declarations of war between Germany and the following countries which they invaded: Denmark (invaded April 1940) Norway (invaded April 1940) Belgium (invaded May 1940) Luxemburg (invaded May 1940) Greece (invaded April 1941)
Denmark Norway Netherlands belguim
The German Army.