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Jasper County in Grahamville, South Carolina.

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Q: What county was the battle of honey hill fought in?
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In what country was the battle of honey hill fought?


When did Battle of Honey Hill happen?

Battle of Honey Hill happened on 1864-11-30.

What Battle was actually fought on Breed's Hill?

The Battle of Bunker Hill may have been initiated there, but it was fought out on Breed's Hill.

Which hill was the Battle of Hastings fought on?

Senlac Hill.

Is Bunker Hill the biggest hill?

no the battle of bunker hill was not even fought on bunker hill it was fought on the hill next to it but bunker hill was more famous so they called it "The Battle of Bunker Hill"

Where was the battle of Bunker'sHill fought?

The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought in Boston, Massachusetts on Breeds Hill, within sight of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775.

Where did the battle of Buncker Hill occur?

The battle was fought on the hill adjoining it, Breed's Hill in Charlestown Massachusetts.

Where was the Battle of Bunker Hill truly fought?

Breed's Hill

What battle was associated with the quote Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes?

This was the Battle of Breeds/Bunker Hill fought in Massachusetts on June 17, 1775.

When was the Battle of Bunker Hill fought in beginning middle or end of the war?

The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought towards the beginning of the American Revolution.

Who fought in the battle of Bunker Hill battle?

the british and the colonists

Was the Battle of Bunker Hill fought on Bunker Hill or and other hill?

it was actually fought on beds hill most people don't know that