The 1880's, with 5 (Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, and Benjamin Harrison).
More US presidents were lawyers before they became President. 25 of the 43 presidents were admitted to the bar, although not all them earned their living that way.Of course, if you consider politician to be a profession, even more of them engaged in that.
Most of them.
Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has produced the most U.S. Presidents, which is eight. Harvard also produced four US Vice Presidents.
There were two presidents in this decade. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945. Harry Truman was president from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953.
The 1920's with Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover.
Harry S Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower
Most presidents came from Virgina
last decade
a decade.
Yes, most of our presidents have had a dog throughout the years.
Virginia is the home state to the most presidents.
Whatever the current decade is.
Virginia is the birthplace of 8 U.S. Presidents. It is the most of any state
Chipper Jones has the most hits in the mlb in 2008.