How cows eat pie and if the Pie is hot should the cow eat it.
Also cows do poos but they can be in stress. Dont cow moo so u have to milk it and the milk will be hot so dont drink it and if it just at the hot pie watch out for brown stuff that comes out
Also cows r fat and the paragraph above this 1 doesnt make sense so sometimes when u milk a cow it might poo on u, so watch out and remember to feed cows pie's!!!!< whoever added to this is sooo lame and have nothing to do with their life.... get a life budd..nd stay in school.. ya feel me??!!!-tabby pooh said this!!!
Decisions were made by a majority vote in a state.
federal government
it allows state residents to make decisions on local issues (apex)
the relationship between the federal government and state governments is specifically laid out in the constitution
ther a bunch of people who help the president make decisions- - the department of state - the department of treasury - the department of war
A totalitarian state or a Dictatorship (this is where all power lies with government, decisions are made by one person or party. There are no elections)
A totalitarian state or a dictatorship (this is where all power lies with government, decisions are made by one person or party. There are no elections)
The queen makes no decisions regarding the government of any of the countries that she is the head of state of.
A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
In a command economy government planners make the decisions and in a market the decisions are made by individuals.
Decisions were made by a majority vote in a state.
By the government and by the courts.
federal government
No because if we don't have different governors' with different decisions one person could almost in one way be like king.
In a police state, the government would control the actions of police.
a democracy is a government in which the people vote on the decisions being made.