He provided his political colleagues and citizens with realistic view of the situation.
freedom of speech
Freedom of speech
Seditious speech is the most hated type of speech. Yet the US Constitution does provide for the protection of seditious speech if it is not found to harmful or disruptive to the rights and freedoms of others.
Churchills most famous speech was known as the Iron Curtain.
I cannot answer this question.
His call for the British people to prepare for war
Winston Churchill was not evil, and he is considered one of the most amiable people in all modern history. He fought against the corruption of Hitler and if it were not for Churchill, Britain would have succumbed to Nazi Germany. Churchill is famous for his speech, "Fight on the Beeches," speaking on how they could never give up on defending their homeland. He was in close cooperation with the Rooselvelt.
The most important early step in developing a successful speech is to clearly define your purpose and audience. Understanding why you are giving the speech and who you are speaking to will guide all other aspects of the speech development process.
His speech synthesizer is clearly good enough to be understood by most English speakers.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill rallies Britain during the lowest and most uncertain moments of the Second World War
more clearly, very clearly, the most clearly
I clearly remember the parts where Mandela mentioned the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, his call for equality and justice for all South Africans, and his message of hope and unity for the nation.
The superlative of 'Clearly' is, "Most clear", or "Clearest".