i think that the one who persuaded France to enter the American Revolution to be on the American side was James Hancock :)
The french in the American revolution gave supplies to the Americans from 1776 to 1778, and when war was officially declared on Britain by the Americans the french dedicated some of their troops, and naval fleets to helping the Americans defeat the british...hope i helped you =P
Independance because as Thomas Paine said, it was rediculous that a small island govern such a large continent. The Americans felt that the British we're treating them fairly, and the dislike peaked with the Stamp Act and Quartering Act.
The French secretly supported the Americans when the war began. They finally openly supported the Americans after the Battle of Saratoga because it showed that the Americans could win the war and gain their independence. Also, the French were still mad about being defeated by the British in the Seven Years War (French and Indian War) and they were hoping to gain the territory they had lost in that war.
American help in gaining territory in the Caribbean
It was a way to gain an advantage over Great Britain
It was a way to gain an advantage over Great Britain
American help in gaining territory in the Caribbean
No. England did
France played a large role in helping the Americans gain independence from Great Britain. They supplied troops and used their navy to help battle the British navy. The victory of George Washington at Yorktown would not have been possible without the French troops and navy.
to win the war
i think that the one who persuaded France to enter the American Revolution to be on the American side was James Hancock :)
At the time of the American Revolution Britain, France, and Spain were all competing for colonial territories and spoils. They were the three most powerful empires in the world, the three superpowers of their time. France joined the revolutionary war because they saw it as an opportunity to make Britain weaker throughout the imperial possessions that Britain already controlled, basically giving France a free hand to continue colonial expansion in other regions of the world without competition from Britain. In addition, the French also saw a chance for stripping Britain of some of her colonial possessions in any postwar treaty the Americans and the British made if the French joined the Americans and came to the table.
The Americans' defeat the British at Saratoga ,New York, and convinces France to aid them.
General Washington needed supplies and reinforcements because the war was not going well. France would eventually become an ally, helping the Americans defeat the British and gain their independence.
The French nobleman Marquis de Lafayette is best known in America for joining George Washington's Revolutionary Army and helping the American colonists gain independence from Great Britain. You can read more about Marquis de Lafayette by clicking on the RELATED LINKS below.