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Lord Cornwallis said nothing to Washington upon his surrender at Yorktown, because they never met. Cornwallis could not bring himself to hand over his sword to the American commander, so he sent his second in command, General Charles O'Hara to do it for him, claiming indisposition. Washington had his own second in command Gemeral Benjamin Lincoln accept the surrender.

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Q: What did General Cornwallis say to Washington upon his surrender?
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Who is the general that Surrender at Yorktown?

The British general O'Hara, on behalf of General Cornwallis who claimed to be sick, surrendered Cornwallis's sword at Yorktown. The terms of surrender had been agreed upon earlier that morning. General Rochambeau was the intended receiver, but refused the sword, gesturing instead that O'Hara should give it to General Washington. General Washington then called forth his second in command, General Benjamin Lincoln to accept the sword. Benjamin Lincoln was the commanding general at the Battle of Charleston, where he had been forced to surrender to Cornwallis with humiliating terms of surrender. General Benjamin Lincoln did accept the sword from General Charles O'Hara, officially declaring surrender for the British.

What was the site of the last significant battle of the American revolution?

In 1781, it was the coastal settlement of Yorktown, Virginia, that served as the site of the American Revolution's final major battle, which culminated in the surrender (by Lord Cornwallis) of a sizeable British military force and ultimately led to the end of the war. Minor fighting continued after this American victory, however, and a final peace was not agreed-upon until two years later.

What happened to George Washington's slaves when he died?

George Washington actually willed that the slaves he owned be freed upon the passing of his wife, Martha. George Washington was the 1st President of the United States.

George Washington Contribution?

President George Washington made several key contributions during the Revolutionary War. Specifically, he commanded the Continental Army, and he worked alongside his troops, never asking them to do anything he wouldn't do himself. It was due primarily to Washington that the war was won.

What is the cash value of the unfinished portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart?

The exact cash value of the unfinished portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would include the authenticity and condition of the portrait.

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Who is the general that Surrender at Yorktown?

The British general O'Hara, on behalf of General Cornwallis who claimed to be sick, surrendered Cornwallis's sword at Yorktown. The terms of surrender had been agreed upon earlier that morning. General Rochambeau was the intended receiver, but refused the sword, gesturing instead that O'Hara should give it to General Washington. General Washington then called forth his second in command, General Benjamin Lincoln to accept the sword. Benjamin Lincoln was the commanding general at the Battle of Charleston, where he had been forced to surrender to Cornwallis with humiliating terms of surrender. General Benjamin Lincoln did accept the sword from General Charles O'Hara, officially declaring surrender for the British.

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The women of Cuba came forth, knowing that this was a just cause, giving up of their only wealth, which was their jewelry, to assist the love of independence of another nation.When L'Agraitte set sail and arrived in September of 1781 in Virginia, General Washington upon knowing that there was sufficient financing of over 1,200,000 pounds of Cuban gold, silver and diamonds, historians point out that he lost his usual sedate composure and threw his hat in the air from sheer joy.Cuban Women's Contribution to the cause of American Independence thus made possible the financing of the decisive battle of American Independence, that General Cornwallis of England, had his sable turned over to General Washington, as a sign of surrender of the English to a band of dreamers known as the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

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Yes. world war 2 could have ended earlier if the allies did not insist upon total surrender.

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Lee's surrender at Appomattox effectively ended the US Civil War. There were still viable Confederate armies in the field, and a few more battles fought, but these forces would soon surrender upon receiving news of the defeat.

What Confederate General offered a plan to assault Washington DC in 1864?

Several Confederate Generals proposed ways to assault Washington DC, in order to slow down the advances of the Union army in the South. One plan was offered by Confederate General Braxton Bragg.He called upon Jefferson Davis to begin an assault on Washington DC with all available forces not required to defend key points in the South.

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His classmates at West point called him Sam and the name stuck. He would also become known as "Unconditional Surrender" Grant after the fall of Fort Donelson in February 1862. When the Confederate General Simon Bolivar Buckner asked for terms of surrender, Grant replied, "No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender... I propose to move immediately upon your works." Buckner surrendered the fort without further delay.

What battle did Washington personally led troops?

In the Battleof Princeton, Jan. 3, 1777, Washington brought up militia to reinforce fleeing columns. Upon seeing the fleeing men, his own troops began to retreat. Shouting "Parade with us, mybrave fellows!" Washington rallied the militia and personally led them to victory against the rear of Cornwallis' army. The engagement followed by a little more than a week Washington's famous tacticalvictory at Trenton,serving to harrass the British out of New Jersey, and reinvigorate flagging support in Congress and throughout the colonies.

What is meant by unconditional surrender?

Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 dollars. Go directly to jail. Unconditional surrender is when those defeated must acquiesce to the victors unconditionally. No quarters are granted, no considerations offered, just surrender. Conditional surrender is when those defeated have gained enough victories during battle to make conditions upon the terms of surrender and the victors are willing to grant these conditions rather than continue with war.

Why could Cornwallis not reinforced by British ships coming down the york river from the west?

During the Battle of Yorktown, the British ships could not support Cornwallis because the French were established in trenches and on the sea and were firing upon them. Also, another French ship, captained by the Comte de Grasse prevented them from going out to sea.

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There seems to be a disparity of opinions concerning US Grant and his confidence in General Hunt to handle the raiding force of General Jubal Early and then later, his apparent concern that the commanders facing off against Early less then qualified in handling the task of removing Early's threat upon Washington DC. As Early approached Washington, Grant learned that Union General George Sigel would attempt to stop Early. General Sigel had a record of consistent losses in the war and Grant wanted Sigel to be relieved of duty there.

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Many historians cite Ulysses S. Grant as the most successful general of the US Civil War. Grant was called upon by President Lincoln to be the final commander of the Union's Army of the Potomac. Grant engineered key Union victories and he forced Robert E. Lee to surrender in 1865, ending the War.