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They both believed that, in a social contract, in which people give up individual freedom to live in an organized society.

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Q: What did Thomas Hobbes and john Locke both believe?
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What enlightened englishman contributed the social contract theory of government?

There were three men who are historically linked to social contract theory. They are Thomas Hobbes, john Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Both Hobbes and Locke were Englishmen.

Who believed that human nature was both selfish and wicked?

Thomas Hobbes

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Both Hobbes and Locke had views on this topic.

Who argued that human beings by their basic natures are evil?

I'm sure there were others both before him and after him who aruged the same question, but I know that Thomas Hobbes was one that argued it.

What were the three natural rights according to both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson?

The three rights that we all have are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How did Locke and Rousseau influence the principles of American democracy?

Locke and Rousseau were both writers. Both men wrote about democracy and the rights that all people should be given.

How did John Locke's notation of the social contract influence the American colonists?

John Locke in the Englightenment period, provided the fact that the natural rights must be given no matter what race, religion, gender, species etc. Thomas Jefferson took those ideas into account and went on to write the Decleration of Independence with those ideas in mind

How were Hobbes and Catherine the Great similar?

both believed that a monarch should have absolute athority

How did john Locke inspire the Founding Fathers?

john Locke was political philosopher and a proponent of natural law, and limited government. These two ideas that greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. Locke's ideas are reflected in both the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.

What is the natural humanity?

john Locke said that people were reasonable by birth and thomas hobbs said they were violent and disorderly. since neither is correct, we must sit on the fence with one foot on both sides and come to our own conclusion.

Who helped inspire the writing of declaration of independence?

John Locke believed that people were born with certain natural rights of life, liberty, and property; that people formed government to protect those rights; and that a government interfering with these rights will be overthrown. Thomas Jefferson used these words for the Declaration of Independence.

Who sings You can have my husband but don't you mess with my man?

Irma Thomas and Koko Taylor both sing this song. Irma is more known for it, I believe.