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The bigger states, like Massachussetts and Virgina, wanted more representation in vote. Beforethe constitutional convention, each state got only one vote when deciding issues. The bigger states wanted to have weighted votes depending on population. So Massachussetts, being busy and heavily populated, would have more votes than, say, Rhode Island.

The bigger states got their wish granted. That's why, even to this day, our state electoral votes are weighted on population. California and Texas have much more electoral votes than Kansas or Rhode Island.

Some states, like Georgia and South Carolina, wanted their slave population to be included. In the southern states, blacks were 50% of the population. However, they did not want the slaves to be counted as part of their population for taxes. Finally, a compromise was made that one-third of the slave population wouldbe accounted for in both the votes and taxes.

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Q: What did bigger states want at the constitutional convention?
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