To Democritus the atom looked like a marble. Democritus theorized that matter could only broken down into pieces of a certain size. These pieces which could not be broken any further were called atoms.
Professor J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and James Chadwick are the founding fathers of the atom.
Coz frm dis was concluded that atom had concentrated +ve & -ve charge & relatively large mass. As most of the alpha particles passed straight through the foil,this shows that most of the atom is empty space. Thus he concluded that an atom was made of a very dense,positevely charged nucleus surrounded primarily by empty space in which electrons could be found.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Some say that Democritus named the atom "ATOMUS" which means "invisible" others say John Dalton but i would go with the former (Democritus).
The atom was not discovered by Democritus; Leukipus an Democitus proposed the notion of atom, but only intuitively, not experimentally.
The Atom.
Democritus and his mentor Leucippus postulated the existence of the atom.
An atom is an indivisible part of all matter.
Democritus from Abdera
Democritus did not have experimental evidence to support his idea of the atom. Instead, his idea was based on philosophical reasoning and speculation.