It sets limits in government action regarding a person's individual rights.
The Colonists fought to protect certain liberties. These liberties were based on their belief to pursue happiness and religious freedoms.
The documents that include personal liberties are the American bill of rights, the constitution, and the declaration of independence.
A liberal position tries to protect an individuals civil liberties. Some civil liberties are freedom from slavery and freedom of religion.
Bill of Rights
Platt Amendment
The Colonists fought to protect certain liberties. These liberties were based on their belief to pursue happiness and religious freedoms.
the personal liberties of American citizens
The documents that include personal liberties are the American bill of rights, the constitution, and the declaration of independence.
A liberal position tries to protect an individuals civil liberties. Some civil liberties are freedom from slavery and freedom of religion.
Individual civil liberties
American Civil Liberties Union's motto is 'Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself'.
Bill Of Rice.............Rights
It was good to protect the freedom of individuals.
restrictions on government action that are intended to protect political freedoms
Bill of Rights