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For the US, what sped up its entry into World War One was the German declaration that unrestricted submarine warfare was going to begin again. This meant that US ships traveling back and forth from Europe or basically anywhere would be sunk by German Submarines. This German policy basically forced the US under Woodrow Wilson to enter the war in 1917.

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Q: What did speed up the entrance to World War 1?
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What is the deceleration lane?

A short lane at the end of an entrance ramp that allows entering traffic to build up speed, before merging in to into main travel lanes.

What was the most dangerous result of the alliances between the Great Powers in the lead up to world war 1?

Before World War I, the various alliances in the Balkan region led to it being called the Powder Keg of Europe. Rampant nationalism created a volatile, dangerous situation which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, resulting in the first World War.

What is league of formation?

The main goal of the formation of the League of Nations was world peace. It was an international organization made up of 58 countries. It was established on January 10, 1920 after the end of the First World War.

How did America affect the cold war?

America and (USSR)Russia were the two superpowers of the cold war. America was the democracy side and they were trying to beat the USSR. America was more advanced in World War II and Russia was actually very technology unadvanced. After world war II, the USSR caught up and started making nuclear weapons. The USA was responding to this and they affected the cold war by responding to the USSR's " Threats ". The USA made nuclear weapons too, competed in the space race, and much more.Hope I helped

Who made up the Bonus Army that marched on Washington?

After WWI, Congress votes to give veterans a bonus that will be paid in the year 1945, but in 1932 veterans march on Washington DC demanding their bonus. Thousands of veterans set up camp out side of the capital

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If you are referring to World War 2, the Japanese attack on the US base at Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941 brought the US into the conflict.

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its rasputin

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The War has to pass through Congress and the President has to ask for it.

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Mainly Lenin, but many people helped him.

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sign up

What is the deceleration lane?

A short lane at the end of an entrance ramp that allows entering traffic to build up speed, before merging in to into main travel lanes.

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