The British did not at all approve of the way the colonists were fighting. Colonists were using what is known as guerilla tactics. The British believed in open fighting, in lines, on fields. The colonists were attacking from cover, and quickly disappearing. The British found this ungentlemanly.
appeal to logic i think not sure tho
you mean why do you think the colonists were able to win early battles against a more experienced better equipped army? and the answer is (The reason why the colonists would win a more experienced and better equipped army is because that the colonists were fighting in wars for a larger amount of time than the better and more equipped soldiers.)
The British were trying to make the colonists pay taxes to Britain and continue to serve them in ANY capacity. Basically serving the British as if they lived in Britain! The colonists didn't think they should have to live under the rule of Britain without being able to form their own government or setting rules apart from the Mother England. England wanted to keep control of the colonies. Colonists wanted to be separate from England.
Quartering Act
i think that the creeks fougth with the British because they think that the British won most of the war
appeal to logic i think not sure tho
I think you are confused because it was not up to the colonists to protect British rule. It was up to the British forces.
How do you think British colonists evolved from being loyal British citizens to revolutionaries? Why?
They thought it was fair to tax the colonists.
If you mean England, the colonists hated the new laws because of the taxes the British were dumping on the colonists and how British was trying to control them. the 13 colonies eventually didn't like the british acts so much that they rebeled.
bcaus ethey did
that they had to pay taxes on tea
chimi gana
Paris was what they were fighting over... I THINK. If im wrong, check my answer.
The Boston Port Acts (the intolerable acts) had one factor of five factor's quartering act. This meant that the colonists had to house the Redcoats in their homes and provide Beer, boot wax and bedding. With the British in their homes it made it hard for colonists to smuggle rum sugar and molasses in because of the Sugar Act of 1764. That is probably why 1/3 of the colonists were Tories (Loyalists).Because the loyalists didn't want to become mean to British peoples and get into a war with gayyy dudeeeeeeeeeee
they supported the british in the second war with Britain
The colonists boycotted British goods to protest against British policies, such as the imposition of taxes without representation and the restriction on their economic freedom. They believed that boycotting British goods would put pressure on the British government to change its policies in favor of the colonists.