The French allied themselves with the Americans, thus requiring the British to fight two enemies at one time instead of just one.
The American Revolution created a lasting form of liberal government, while the French Revolution did not.
the cost of supporting the american revolution caused the french king to propose tax increases
i got 1 french help Americans i American revolution but they didnt exit back when the french revolution was going on so they couldn't help
America was allies with France, who supported the Americans. The American Revolution inspired the French Revolution, but since the French Revolution was so bloody, Americans didn't openly support the French Revolution, which made the French annoyed.
The American Revolution inspired many other revolutions such as the Haitian Revolution and the French Revolution. The American Revolution showed that Revolutions could be started and ended with a good outcome. So the Haitians, Latins, French, and a bunch of other countries revolted.
American Revolution - for French Revolution - against American Revolution - for French Revolution - against
It didn't. The American Revolution was over before the French Revolution began.
The American Revolution.
The American Revolution
The French Revolution occurred after the American Revolution. The American Revolution took place between 1765 and 1783, resulting in the independence of the American colonies from British rule. The French Revolution began in 1789 with the storming of the Bastille and lasted until 1799, leading to significant political and social changes in France, including the end of the monarchy.
The French Revolution is most likely to be compared to the American Revolution because the French peasants had gotten the idea of the American's Constitution and the idea of rebelling from the leader.
It was the American Revolution, and its success, that significantly inspired the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799.
The American Revolution created a lasting form of liberal government, while the French Revolution did not.
The American Revolution came first in 1776, followed by the French Revolution in 1789 and the Russian Revolution in 1917.
The American Revolution succeeded in establishing the long-term representative government while the French Revolution eventually produced a dictator (Napoleon Bonaparte). The American Revolution was different from the French revolution because the Americal revolution was a revolt against a colonial power. The French revolution was an uprising against the appression imposed by Members of the titled nobility.
The Frano-American Alliance won the American revolution. French money, weapons, ships and commanders were vital to the American victory.
ok i don't know why everyone calls the french and Indian war the french revolution cause there was a french revolution but the french revolution is differ from American revolution and french and Indian war was fought in new franceand the colonist moved there wanted freedom caused a war and french helped them defeat british