They opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories because 'free men on free soil comprise a morally and economically superior system to slavery'
Opposition to legalized abortion caused many conservatives to oppose the ERA.
segregation in government.
they would oppose the US government because they believe in abolishing the government. In other words, they do not want a government.
They wanted a glizzy
The outbreak in Kansas of violent turmoils called "Bleeding Kansas" and the rise of the Republican Party in which converged the ex-Whigs and democrats freesoilers.
Opposition to legalized abortion caused many conservatives to oppose the ERA.
I think so
The demonstrators plan to oppose the new shopping mall. I oppose anything curtailing civil rights. Oppose means to hinder, counterbalance or resist.
The verb of opposition is oppose.
exsample- i oppose to your exsuation
He is bound to oppose the new bill.
oppose - mean support - needed it
I oppose the decision of wearing uniforms.
it made it dangerous to oppose the draft.