Liberals, by definition, have political or social views favoring reform and progress, and the protection of civil liberties.
Such views might include socially progressive ideas such as gay rights, race rights, etc, and public programs for the poor and needy.
Liberals are usually understood to be diametrically opposed to Conservatives.
Liberalism is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights for all, but a liberal might have different beliefs about specific issues that are different to another liberal's beliefs about the same things.
Some opponents of liberals have called them Communists, Socialists, or even Marxists.
But those names are not correct. Not only are Communism, Socialism and Marxism different from each other, they are all different from Liberalism.
Such name calling is therefore wrong; if it demonstrates anything, it is that the person using the terms does not understand the meaning of the words. An appropriate way to view such utterances is to treat them as ill-considered emotional outbursts and not respond to them.
Liberals believe in civil rights , workers rights and public programs to assist those who other wise could not afford what those of higher income can. Community college, public health care etc. Liberalism also believes that capitalism works but must have ground rules to prevent corruption.
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Abortion is a personal choice for the mother, the fetus is not a human life thus has no individual human rights.
Affirmative action from the federal government is needed to counteract racism in American society.
Capital punishment is cruel, inhumane and should be abolished.
Government regulatory statutes are needed in all areas of the economy to maintain and protect citizens from the greed of big business.
Government should focus additional funds on existing public schools, raising teacher salaries and reducing class size.
Oil and other fossil fuels are a depleting resource. The government must explore other sources of transportation energy as well as other uses of energy.
Euthanasia should be a personal choice, not regulated by the government.
Production of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuel has increased the atmospheric content of insulating green house gas. The temperature of the atmosphere is slowly increasing above levels measured in the past due to natural increases caused by cyclical events such as solar and other influences. The U.S. contributes roughly 25 percent of the global warming gas carbondioxide. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. are urgently needed and should be enacted immediately.
The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution, part of the U.S. Bill of Rights states a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State shall give the right of the people to keep and bear Arms and this right shall not be infringed. The liberal view and interpretation of this amendment is that the free state has the right to protect it's citizen's with a national guard, militia and should protect it's citizens through official enforcement of the laws governing the states. This interpretation also includes the philosophy that gun laws are necessary to stop gun violence and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns.
Low cost or even free healthcare should be provided by the government to those americans who can not afford it and are deprived of this basic right.
Independant selection of air passengers for screening should not be dictated by race or appearance, and should be random. Various ethnicities and or Arabs and Muslims who are generally innocent should not be a target for selection for this profiling resulting in invasive search and interigation and in some cases incarsaration.
Undocumented Immagrants who have entered the U.S. illegally should be granted amnesty and given rights to educational and health benifits that citizens recieve as well as financial aid, welfare, social security and medicaid.
Government has the right to use eminent domain with compensation to the owner.
Separation of church ans state. The philosophy is that if the government can not dictate an individual's religious belief's, they are not responsible for the cost of religious practices and thus, public funded entities such as government offices, schools, any government owned entities shall not enforce, nor allow any religious connotation with in the institution. There for, the government is not dictating a specific sect of any religion to the participants of the institution there by allowing all citizens of the United States to have full freedom of religion outside of the governemt.
The government should ensure equal rights for all individuals who want to be legally married regardless if the couple is male/female or not and should protect the rights of gay's, lesbian's, transgender individuals to be married legally in the United States.
Social Security should be protected at all costs. Reduction in bennifits is not a reasonable option.
Injustice and inequity in society can only be protected against by higher taxes, larger government and the percentage of taxes paid should be a factor of revenue generated by the tax payer so that the rich pay more taxes than the poor.
The U.S. has the moral and legal obligation to support the United Nations to promote peace and human rights. The U.S. should submit its national interrests to the greater good of the global community.
No, as you can get social liberals and economic liberals. For example, a liberal may be pro-choice and support gun control, but believe the government should reduce its role in the economy. Or vice versa.
There are crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives because the issues that are causing these crosscutting cleavages are issues that liberals (people who are willing to disregard traditional values in politics) and conservatives (people who believe traditional values are important in politics) are debating over. They have opposite views over these matters. These crosscutting cleavages are based on race, ethnicity, religion, region, and education.
middle class
They believed if European states were organized along national lines, these states could create a peaceful Europe
unlike liberals conservatives fundamentally distrust the power of
false-novanet Liberals are an imaginary entity and therefore believe whatever the one imagining believes they believe.
False. Liberals are an imaginary segment of society; a society can believe many different ways about a given subject.
No, as you can get social liberals and economic liberals. For example, a liberal may be pro-choice and support gun control, but believe the government should reduce its role in the economy. Or vice versa.
The Ottomans
They believe they know better how to spend it.
They believe change is necessary to make society more equal.
If you mean the Anti-federalists, then the Bill of Rights.
If you mean the Anti-federalists, then the Bill of Rights.
The government should play a large role in the economy.
Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.
Many liberals believe that civil partnerships represent a separate-but-equal segregation of gay people, but some are willing to accept it as an intermediate step on the road to marriage equality.
Liberals were sometimes called "bourgeois liberals" because they spoke mostly for the middle class.