Four of the first five, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe, were all from Virginia (John Adams, Jefferson's main opponent in both 1796 and 1800, was from Massachusetts).
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were the last three consecutive U.S. Presidents to be elected president twice each until Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
The first six presidents were all founding fathers, or in the case of the Sixth, the son of a founding father, and all lived in Virginia or Massachusetts, coastal states from the original thirteen colonies.
More US presidents were lawyers before they became President. 25 of the 43 presidents were admitted to the bar, although not all them earned their living that way.Of course, if you consider politician to be a profession, even more of them engaged in that.
white, christian males
I get 6/43 = 13.95 % of US presidents from Ohio, Although Obama is often called the 44th president, there have only been 43 different presidents. I did not count Grant and B, Harrison as being from Ohio since they were not from Ohio when they were elected even though they were born there. I did count W.H. Harrison who was born in Virginia but was living in Ohio when he was elected. So,the six presidents "from" Ohio were W.H.Harrison, Hayes, Garfield, McKinley, Taft and Harding.
The 4th of July!Three of the first five Presidents died on that date; Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe.March 8th and Dec 26thhave two Presidents each.No U.S. President has ever died during the month of May
July 4th
More US presidents were lawyers before they became President. 25 of the 43 presidents were admitted to the bar, although not all them earned their living that way.Of course, if you consider politician to be a profession, even more of them engaged in that.
white, christian males
There are 43 presidents to date. Our next President will be Obama the 44th.
he's number 44 and there were 43 US Presidents before him. x33
As of 2014, there has been 43 presidents in the US. Currently, the president is Barack Obama and he is serving his second term.
No.There was 43 other presidents,but they were all men.
Only nine of the 43 U.S. Presidents were under 50 when sworn in as President for the first time; the other 34 were all over 50.
Law is the most common profession among the US presidents.
222 years ( and about 5 months) is the total time in office for the 43 presidents. The first president took office in April of 1789 and the government has been in continuous operation with a President in office ever since that time ,
George Washington and John Adams were the first two US presidents.
Under the US Constitution, 42. [Grover Cleveland had nonconsecutive terms in the late 1800s. So 42 men comprised 43 administrations.]