The document that was written by Thomas Jefferson and was used as the official separation from Great Britain was the Declaration of Independence.
it is a document written by thomas Paine and it explained and convinced the people not to follow the king.(written by amir)
The Declaration of Independence.
The Constitution was influenced by the Articles of Confederation. When the framers wrote the Constitution, they had only intended to amend the Articles, but a whole new document emerged.
King George III the right overthrown Linda9713 ;)
The document that was written by Thomas Jefferson and was used as the official separation from Great Britain was the Declaration of Independence.
the us document that he infuenced was the US Constitution
it is a document written by thomas Paine and it explained and convinced the people not to follow the king.(written by amir)
There is no document. The phrase was coined by Thomas Jefferson during his presidency.
George Washington and thomas jefferson
the us document that he infuenced was the US Constitution
The Declaration of Independence.
Bill of Rights
The Declaration of Independence.
The Decleration of Independence influenced the reformers at the Seneca Falls Convention.
Bill of rights
The Declaration of Independence