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Unreasonable people tend to be bigots and fools are incapable of reasoning, thus if he is neither a bigot nor a fool and still refuses to reason then he is a slave to the mystics and dogmatist who appeal to his base emotions.

To me, this quote means that if one refuses to be reason(ale),then one is a bigot; if one is unreasonable due to incapacity, then one is a fool (too stupid to think ); and if one fears to be reasonable then one is bound to the circumstances like a slave; unable to act freely or independently. In other words, "To be, or not to be. That is, the question whether 'tis nobler n the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing them." allegedly written by W Shakespeare.

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Q: What does He who will not reason is a bigot he who cannot is a fool and he who dares not is a slave Mean?
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