If you are talking about roman numerals it is 1950 and there are lots of company's that have names that MCML stands for like Media Centre Markup Language. Hope this helped!!
It might stand for Salt lake City but usually there is a t on the end.
* ---- Ross Perot started United We Stand America.
a strong national government anti federalists stand for strong state governments
There are 34 states in the Unted States that have a stand-your-ground law. Of those 34 states, Iowa, Virginia, and Washington have their own version of the stand-your-ground law.
MCML = 1950
The letters are Roman numerals that stand for the number (hence the copyright year) 1950.
MCML = 1950MCMI = 1901
The conventional conversion of the Roman numerals MCML into Arabic numerals is 1950.
If you mean the Roman numeral of MCML then nowadays it is considered to be the equivalent of the Arabic number 1950
1,950 = MCML
In today's terms it is: MCML
1950 = MCML